Photo Credit: Shelli Albright/ Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - A royal tern with line wrapped multiple times around its legs, its tongue and its beak. Although rescued the bird was sadly not able to recover from the injuries sustained from malnourishment.
Photo Credit: Shelli Albright/ Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - A royal tern with line wrapped multiple times around its legs, its tongue and its beak. Although rescued the bird was sadly not able to recover from the injuries sustained from malnourishment.
Photo Credit: John Comisky | Napa Wildlife Rescue - Crow with plastic.
Photo Credit: Shelli Albright/ Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - A royal tern with line wrapped multiple times around its legs, its tongue and its beak. Although rescued the bird was sadly not able to recover from the injuries sustained from malnourishment.
Photo Credit: Shelli Albright/ Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - A royal tern with line wrapped multiple times around its legs, its tongue and its beak. Although rescued the bird was sadly not able to recover from the injuries sustained from malnourishment.
Photo Credit: Brian Switzer | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Seagull - case of animal cruelty - zip tie placed around its beak.
Photo Credit: Kaitlin Lloyd | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network
Photo Credits: Martyn Holgate | WildCare - Screech Owl with garden netting tangled around feet.
Photo Credit: Jessie Zamichow | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Pelican found with five hooks and fishing line in its body.
Photo Credit: Jessie Zamichow | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Pelican with fishing hook in its wing.
Photo Credit: Jessie Zamichow | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Fishing line and hook wrapped around a Pelican’s foot.
Photo Credit: Claire Fackler | NOAA - Albatross with plastic trash in its stomach.
Photo Credit: Mimi Olry & Jamie Thomton | NOAA - Hook lodged in seal’s mouth.
Photo Credit: NOAA | NMFS | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Blog - Turtle entangled with marine debris.
Photo Credits: Kevin O'Brien | NOAA | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Blog - Baby Albatross tangled in rope.
Photo Credit: J . Hawes | NOAA Photo Library - Elephant seal entangled in debris.
Photo Credit: Doug Helton | NOAA Photo Library - Monk Seal caught in ghost net.
Photo Credit: Jessie Zamichow | Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - waste materials imbedded in Pelican.
Photo Credit - Eric Johnson | LCDR | NOAA - Plastic on beach in Hawaii.
Photo Credit: Claire Fackler | NOAA - Albatross with plastic removed from stomach.
Photo Credit: Doug Helton - Seal entangled in fishing debris.
Photo Credit: A. Lawhead | NOAA Image - Fur seal entangled in rope netting.
Photo Credits: NOAA image - no photographer noted - Seal entangled in net.
Photo Credit: Doug Helton | NOAA Image Library - Sea Turtle stuck in net.
Photo Credit: Lieutenant Elizabeth Crapo | NOAA Photo Library - Green turtle with amputated leg suspected to be from marine debris.
Photo Credits: No photographer noted | NOAA Photo Library - Sea turtle casualty from marine debris.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - 3 Gopher snakes tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Snake curled in netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Six pack ring removed from fox.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Fox in recovery after six pack ring removal.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Seagull with six-pack around its neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gulls with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Kristen Kelly | NOAA | NMFS | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Blog - Bottle caps collected from Midway Island.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - 3 Gopher snakes tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Fox with six pack ring around neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Fox receiving treatment for six pack ring.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gold Crowned Sparrow tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Seagull with six-pack around its neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gulls with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Seagulls with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gull with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gull with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Melanie Piazza | WildCare - Seagull with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: WildCare - Heron with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Laura Milholland | WildCare - Gull with babies with garbage in her nest.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - King Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Laura Milholland | WildCare - Pelican with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Laura Milholland | WildCare - Pelican with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance| WildCare - Bird with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Pigeon with debris tangled in feet.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Raccoon with soda rings around neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Raccoon undergoing surgery to have soda rings removed from neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Robin with garden netting tangled around feet.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Bird with garden netting tangled around feet.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk stuck in a bait box.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Ring removed from skunk’s neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk with glass jar stuck on head.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk with glass jar stuck on head.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk after being saved by WildCare.
Photo Credits: Melanie Piazza | WildCare - Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Dave Stapp | WildCare - Tangled Screech Owl.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Red-Shouldered Hawk injured by kite line.
Photo Credits: PETA - Cat with soda can rings around neck.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Swallow-Tailed Kite with fishing line entanglement.
Photo Credits: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - American Alligator with fishing lure stuck in mouth.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle that had ingested a fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Brown Pelican entangled in fishing hooks and line.
Photo Credits: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Fishing hooks and line removed from Brown Pelican.
Photo Credits: California Wildlife Center - Canadian Goose with fishing line wrapped around her leg.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gull with fishing hook in beak.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gull with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Gulls with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Heron with fishing line injuries.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - King Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - King Snake recovering thanks to the good people at WildCare.
Photo Credits: Laura Milholland | WildCare - Pelican with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Bird with fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Pigeon with debris tangled in feet.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance| WildCare - Soda can rings removed from raccoons neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Raccoon undergoing surgery to have soda rings removed from neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Bird with garden netting tangled around feet.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Injuries to skunk sustained from bait box.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk with plastic ring stuck around neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Injuries to skunk sustained from ring around neck.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk with glass jar stuck on head.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Skunk with glass jar stuck on head.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Glass jar removed from skunk’s head.
Photo Credits: Melanie Piazza | WildCare - Snake tangled in garden netting.
Photo Credits: WildCare - Tangled Egret in fishing line.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Red-Shouldered Hawk injured by kite line.
Photo Credits: Alison Hermance | WildCare - Red-Shouldered Hawk injured by kite line.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Swallow-Tailed Kite with fishing line entanglement.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Swallow-Tailed Kite completely rehabilitated from fishing line entanglement and headed back into the wild.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle that had ingested a fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Brian Bohlman | Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle that had ingested a fishing hook.
Photo Credits: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) - Brown Pelican entangled in fishing hooks and line.
Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) – Juvenile Northern Gannet entangled in fishing line.
Photo Credits: California Wildlife Center - Canadian Goose with fishing line wrapped around her leg.